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Re: Free Software Company

>>>>> "Robin" == Robin Chatterjee <robinsc@xxxxxxxxx> writes:

    Robin> Hi all I agree with arun on this point... rms and the gnu
    Robin> foundation are basically at one extreme of the fsf...they
    Robin> are radicals ( maybe even fanatics ) about free
    Robin> software. Rational people don't need to be fanatics. if
    Robin> free software is better then it will be shown to be better
    Robin> on it's own merit. I wonder if the production of such a
    Robin> mega conglomeration would really be of any benefit to
    Robin> anyone .. it would probably cause the justice dept to start
    Robin> investigation rms rather than bill gates :) Cheerio robin

I don't think RMS and GNU are fanatics at all.  They have a vision,
and they have an extremely compelling rationale for that vision (try
reading the GNU Manifesto sometime).  Just because the visions happens
to conflict with certain vested commercial interests doesn't make them
fanatics by any stretch of the imagination.

Arun is again falling into the old mindset, which I have explained
time and again on this list: software != food.  If I have 2 rotis and
I give you one, I have one roti less.  If I have 2000 lines of code
and I give them to you, both of us have 2000 lines of code.  See the
difference?  Sharing software, music, books, information increases
wealth in the world.  Sharing food/money/drugs/consultancy time

-- Raju

    >> Donate food to be a good person. But you don't have to treat
    >> all restaurants as your enemy.
    >> There is nothing wrong with paid software[1]. People can
    >> buy/sell/run paid software and be good citizens in the free
    >> software world. Why are you promoting hatred towards such
    >> people ?
    >> -Arun
    >> [1] I refuse to accept GPL'ed software as paid software. The
    >> only people who pay for software that's free are fools. They
    >> pay for support.