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Re: Reply to Mr. Nikhil's Hyderabad team building easy to use operating system
Raju Mathur rearranged electrons thusly:
> As far as I can see, they've committed the following cardinal sins:
> 1. Gone ahead with their project without the local ILUG's support.
Try to put it this way :
1. They apparently are a LUG called the BLUG (Bhagyanagar Linux Users Group).
Excellent - we need more LUGs. However, how good is it not to respond to
queries about their activities / requests for cooperation / participation
from other LUGs in the same city?
> 2. Continued going ahead without consulting the concerned ILUG about
> the rights and wrongs of what they are doing.
s/"the concerned ilug"/"the community"/ - if a project is GPL'd, as linux is,
why shouldn't they be a bit more open about exactly what they are developing?
> 3. Not mention the ILUG or Linux-India on their web site.
not that the LUG or linux india cares or needs to care about that
> 4. Not respond to well-intentioned e-mails from ILUG members.
this is the main problem. if they refuse constructive feedback (which it
was, initially) from the community about their gpl'd, open source product, it
sounds extremely weird.
> 6. Start work on creating a product which everyone keeps talking
> about but no one does anything about.
they announced this project over a year ago. almost the same press release
this time as well. I'd think a distro would take far less time than that, if
there's such a dedicated team at work on it. [at least a beta should have
been out ...].
So, the questions remain, "does said distro exist? what makes it distinctive
and gives it its character as a distro?"
Suresh Ramasubramanian <--> mallet <at> efn <dot> org
EMail Sturmbannfuhrer, Lower Middle Class Unix Sysadmin