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Re: Reply to Mr. Nikhil's Hyderabad team building easy to use operating system

I just don't get it.  What exactly is it that these people are doing
which is so despicable and justifies their being called names like

As far as I can see, they've committed the following cardinal sins:

1.  Gone ahead with their project without the local ILUG's support.

2.  Continued going ahead without consulting the concerned ILUG about
the rights and wrongs of what they are doing.

3.  Not mention the ILUG or Linux-India on their web site.

4.  Not respond to well-intentioned e-mails from ILUG members.

5.  Use a pre-release kernel for their distribution.

6.  Start work on creating a product which everyone keeps talking
about but no one does anything about.

Sure, I can see that they're going to be damned for all eternity for
committing these blunders.  The next time someone gets an idea about
doing anything useful s/he'll make sure that s/he licks Linux-India's
boots for 7 months in advance before trying to make it a reality.

</really pissed off>

-- Raju

>>>>> "Suresh" == Suresh Ramasubramanian <mallet@xxxxxxx> writes:

    Suresh> S. Krishnan rearranged electrons thusly:
    >> Don't you know that the 2.3 kernel is *experimental*, and that
    >> it would be a very silly thing to build a distro - and that too
    >> a consumer oriented product - around an experimental kernel,
    >> and that too, one that had outlived its life with the release
    >> of 2.4.  Probably shows what these guys are all about....
    Suresh> This "aryan linux" thingy is pretty old - when the 2.3
    Suresh> kernel was midway through devel.  Several ilug-hyd members
    Suresh> tried to contact these people (based on details of this
    Suresh> so-called "distro" which were then on their website).

    Suresh> We also tried to get them to involve themselves with
    Suresh> ilug-hyd (or at least coordinate / get together).  Lots of
    Suresh> fairly strong comment / criticism of the distro on the
    Suresh> ilug-hyd list. Stony silence from their side.

    Suresh> Now, this sudden diatribe ...

    Suresh> funny.  really funny.

    Suresh> 	-s
Raju Mathur          raju@xxxxxxxxxxxxx           http://kandalaya.org/