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Re: [ot - sort of] spammer bites the dust (goodbye gtcdrom.com)

I tend to align with Fred Noronha, ad defined spam as unsolicited
commercial e-mail which different people would assign different levels
of usefulness to.  I may find GT's postings useful, you may find them
junk, another person may find them offensive.

I fully agree with Fred in that GT is doing a good service for the
community.  I also agree with Suresh in that GT should be prevented
from posting their stuff to people who don't want to receive it.  Is
there a solution?  Perhaps, perhaps not.  Maybe GT could implement a
policy of asking people to register their e-mail addresses on their
web site, and only send hot updates to registered users.  Maybe they
could send a single mail with the URL of the latest prices to the
list.  Maybe linux-india.org could carry the price list.

In other words, instead of trying to define what constitutes spam and
what doesn't, let's try to figure out a solution for this issue which
is acceptable to all parties concerned.


-- Raju

>>>>> "Mario" == Mario da Costa <mario@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

    Mario> My own 2 cents worth; It seems obvious that those (a large
    Mario> majority of BLUG) who were the target of spamming from
    Mario> GTCDROM are against it. The rest of us will really not be
    Mario> able to be objective unless we too were spammed. Then again
    Mario> some of us might find the spam informative which may not be
    Mario> a bad thing. Bottom line if GTCDROM were asked not to spam
    Mario> and they ignored this request, then what they did was
    Mario> unacceptable.

    Mario> + mario

    Mario> Raju Mathur wrote:
    >>  >>>>> "Shourya" == MED <Sarcar> writes:
    Shourya> [snip] #I also find your insinuation that #fighting spam
    Shourya> is #somehow un-Indian or a mindless American fad
    Shourya> extremely insulting.
    Shourya> Absolutely correct. I do not realise why and how spam is
    Shourya> an American concept ? If origin is your [FN] logic, then
    Shourya> email / internet / the whole b!**dy jing_bang of digital
    Shourya> devices should be looked at in the same perspective.
    >>  How many Indian Internet users actually know what the word
    >> spam means?
    >> Not saying it's an american concept, but the word itself is
    >> something quite unknown to most people here.
    >> -- Raju
    >> ---------------------------------------------- LIG is all for
    >> free speech.  But it was created for a purpose.  Violations of
    >> the rules of this list will result in stern action.

    Mario> -- ..... in life, there is more imagination than in all our
    Mario> dreams .....