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RE: [ot - sort of] spammer bites the dust (goodbye gtcdrom. com)
Hi Biju !
#-----Original Message-----
#From: Biju Chacko [mailto:biju_chacko@xxxxxxxxx]
Thanks for that unambiguous message.
I feel that people do not appreciate the anti-spam efforts because they feel
that email is "free".
Think of a world without email. If GT were to send Linux-devotees
"book-posts", where the stamp charges would have to be borne by the
addressed [ie the person receiving the mail], would they have been so
appreciative of GT's business practices ?
To take a step further, let us scale the problem, suppose you
[general-person-plural] have GT, porn.com, nationalgeographic.com, nasa.gov,
foo.edu, and your local halwa dealer, sending you unstamped postcards [to be
paid by you :-)] , what would you feel like , receiving 27 unwanted posts a
day ?
The problem, I feel, is that of a "perceived" value.. people 's perception
of email being FREE not CHEAP. Usually, these are people [like me] who do
not have to wait for the slow-downloads at cybercafes, watching their purses
drain with each single tick of the clock.
If ISPs/mail portals start charging by "volume"and not time, then people
will take note of the situation.
#I also find your insinuation that
#fighting spam is
#somehow un-Indian or a mindless American fad extremely insulting.
Absolutely correct. I do not realise why and how spam is an American concept
? If origin is your [FN] logic, then email / internet / the whole b!**dy
jing_bang of digital devices should be looked at in the same perspective.
So, let it be said, in no unclear terms, that spam affects Ravi Sharma AS
MUCH as it does John Doe. Let us not think of "spam" as just another
hip-word from the West.
#Biju "Botsie" Chacko b i j u _ c h a c k o @ y a h
#o o . c o m
your email id is wrapping. that could be a good spam-fighting trick against
trawler-robots !
was that intentional ? [ i have noticed the spaces ]
Warmest regards
Global Software Platforms, India
GE Medical Systems
Tel : +91 80 526 3121 | 3496 [ ext 362 ]