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[OT] Linux Geek Reading Tastes (Was Re: load balancing ?)

Shifting thread to LIG. Respond there please.

---On Wed, 17 May 2000 Binand Raj S. wrote
> Ravikant K.Rao forced the electrons to say:
> > 	And to the less intellectually accomplished among us, ... What 
> > would a "Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster" be? Is it one (more) of those
> > Star Wars || US Soap Opera(?) joke things that I am missing out?
> Ravi, I think Raju's friends should also call on you. Putting Star 
> Wars and US Soap Operas on the same line! What cheek!!
> StarWars/Tolkien/HHGTTG/Mutt - hear no evil, speak no evil, see no 
> evil. ;-)
Hallelujah, brother!

It's amazing, all us geeks seem to have the same reading tastes: SF &
Fantasy. I wonder why we're all attracted to it? In my case, I was into
SF and Fantasy _before_ i found out anything about computing, so I
think we can rule out cause and effect.

If I may speculate: i think it's due to the fact that the fun of great
SF/Fantasy is exploration. Exploration of imaginary worlds, new
concepts and more. The fun of computing is also exploration --
exploring the limits of the technology and exploring the ones own
abilities with respect to the technology. The rush from both of these
activities is analogous.

IIRC, there is some reference to this in esr's hacker faq. What do you
think? And what about all of you who don't enjoy this stuff?  There is
something here worth investigating further.


Biju "Botsie" Chacko
"With men and sex when it's right, it's right and when it's wrong, it's right." - Fishism

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