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Re: [achitnis@exocore.com: [linux@it.com] State of the Onion]


>>>>> "Ravikant" == Ravikant K Rao <ravi@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

    Ravikant> 	    Umm. I *BLAMED* you?! I did? uh. Thanks, that just
    Ravikant> made my day.I have nothing to justify, and a sincere
    Ravikant> effort from me, to make sure chennailug doesn't get
    Ravikant> busted while people on the lug list dont even know about
    Ravikant> it, while its going on. I had said/meant - "prabhu could
    Ravikant> write an explanatory mail about *why* we are[nt] doing
    Ravikant> anything, and if necessary, (ON OUR BEHALF - i hadn't
    Ravikant> said this, but i thought it obvious, in the context)
    Ravikant> apologise to whoever.

	Before anything I'd like to apologise if I was harsh or said
something bad. I thought you had given me far more responsibility than
was due.  And thanks again for forwarding the message from Atul.

	Do you think I am some kind of telepathic genius who knows why
people here dont participate?  How do you expect me to know what is
going on with other members here.  I am glad that you are on the
it.com list and happy for it.  But remember I tried to do my bit.  I
forwarded the mail from Atul here about it.com and the new list etc.
What more do you expect me to do?  Why should I have to post for
activities not done be fellow members?  I didnt have the time to
subscribe to IT.com and didnt want to that is a choice I am entitled
to make.  I can make a collective post for ILUGC if (1) we vote (2) or
it is agreed upon during a meeting.  Otherwise it is purely a personal
opinion which I cannot give as if it is the collective feeling of
ILUGC *unless you guys give me unequivocal powers to that effect*.
This was given during the li-reg process.  But was it given for
anything??  I didnt think so.  During the last meeting I discussed the
li-reg details in fairly great detail and mentioned things about
IT.com and things like that.  Unfortunately only 12 people turned up
for the meet.  What do you expect me to say?  How can I apologise for
ilugc?  Did you even want me to apologise.  Looking at your rant
against Atuls post I didnt get the impression that you wanted to
apologise at all...

    Ravikant> 	    On top of this, (something that I *still*
    Ravikant> maintain, as doing right) , I apologised *in public* -
    Ravikant> well, i seem to be the misfit here, and I've had a tough
    Ravikant> day, too, and i'm no mood for this.

	To be fair, you did apologise.  You mean that others dont have
tough days?

    Ravikant>        Since I dont belong here, I'm unsubscribing from
    Ravikant> the list. No, its not bravado or anything - I'm just
    Ravikant> tired.

	Others can get tired to.  It is easy for me to just "quit".  I 
cannot stop you from unsubscribing.  You may feel better that I just
apologised earlier.

Folks of ilugc: If you think I am doing a lousy job, please vote for a
new coordinator.  Maybe I am too old for this job. ;) Please feel free
to vote me out.  I will still remain the list admin because I am at
aero.iitm.  Please let me know about this.  Apparently, I seem to be
doing no good for ilugc.

    Ravikant> 	Thanks for listening to my rant.

And thanks for putting up with me for so long.

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