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Re: [achitnis@exocore.com: [linux@it.com] State of the Onion]


>>>>> "Ravikant" == Ravikant K Rao <ravi@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

    Ravikant> bothered to check whats around you, and you're feeling
    Ravikant> down, for whatever reason - you aren't allowed to go
    Ravikant> public and say, "Indians suck - There is no localisation
    Ravikant> - Everyone is a lazy moron" - to add insult to injury,
    Ravikant> "if you feel hurt, you deserve it, you lazy doofus" - No
    Ravikant> - not allowed.

Agreed, Atul didnt ask properly.  But a more polite response is in
order dont you think?  Dont do to others what you dont want to be done
to you.... :)

    Ravikant> 	IMHO, what would have been suitable would have been -
    Ravikant> "I dont seem to know of any localisation - Do you guys
    Ravikant> have any links on you?"

	Yes.  But here is Atuls problem.  He thinks it is up to us to
show off about this stuff.  Was this stuff discussed at the it.com
list???  If so you could have told him there that we have a local
localization Guru? And if it was not well we are not to blame.

    Ravikant> 	I refuse to sit here idle and look at mails from
    Ravikant> random people who have no respect for fellow people, and
    Ravikant> think its elite to send out rude emails to the entire
    Ravikant> universe.


    Ravikant> 	Yeah, I guess you-know-who thinks you suck because you
    Ravikant> dont make powerpoint presentations on your laptop at LUG
    Ravikant> meets and annoy the crap out of the average LUG Meeting
    Ravikant> Attender. I guess the kernel internals are for the
    Ravikant> Laptop-toting uber-elite people.

Have a cold shower. my monitor is burining from the heat of your
anger. :) Relax man.

This quote is appropriate:

  It was so of old, Atula. It is not just so today. They criticise him who
  sits in silence, they criticise him who talks a lot. They even criticise
  him who speaks in moderation. There is not a man in the world who is not
  criticised. 227

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