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Re: [achitnis@exocore.com: [linux@it.com] State of the Onion]
>>>>> "Ravikant" == Ravikant K Rao <ravi@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
Prabhu> Why on earth should I write anything at all??!! Next
Ravikant> Because you're "List Admin" and "Group
Ravikant> Co-ordinator" of ILUG-Chennai - and I personally infact
So? How does it make me responsible for co-luggie activities?
Ravikant> wrote up a fairly long rant mail about why we are doing
Ravikant> practically nothing - But I didn't send it in because I
Ravikant> thought it wouldn't be right for me to speak for ILUG-C,
Ravikant> .. you know .. self appointed speaker or whatever - I
Well, if you felt that way you couldve posted it to me and I
could have said. it looks ok and doesnt offend any sensibilities.
Ravikant> preferred List Admin to do it - At any rate, I most
Ravikant> certainly wanted you guys [ ilugc members ] to *know*
Ravikant> that we're not doing too well on the national front -
Ravikant> thats all.
Well, are we doing well on the local front. Same problem.
Prabhu> time. I am not the only person from ILUGC, am I? How
Prabhu> about others? There are atleast 30-40 other people here
Prabhu> who can do something about IT.com. What are you doing?
Prabhu> Why me?? I have enough responsibilities as it is.
Ravikant> Uh I apologise... I didn't quite mean it *that*
Well it is ok. But it irks me to see that I have to goad
people to do something that we apparently share a passion for.
Ravikant> way - which is why, "Any comments/suggestions?" ...
Ravikant> Again, there are quite a few people at ilug-c who
Ravikant> can talk - Swaraj about security and other stuff, mks
Ravikant> about localisation, zam about cvs, and so on - -shrug- -
Ravikant> I refuse to make any more proxy-volunteering though - i
Ravikant> was only speaking names that I knew had already talked
Ravikant> about the respective topics.
But these are not trivial talks. They most prolly are
professional talks. I dont know who will be willing to make talks of
that kind at IT.com.
Atul> some concrete action on this over the next 4 days, I am
Atul> going to recommend that we drop the tech-talks. We need at
Ravikant> I know this sounds weird - but I strongly believe
Ravikant> that tech talks *are* required.
Yes, but who will talk is the question.
Prabhu> You mean posters and stuff? What exactly do you want?
Prabhu> Could the members of ILUGC who are on the linux@xxxxxx
Prabhu> list post us consise request such as this?
Ravikant> members? As far as I know, I'm the only guy on the
Ravikant> linux@xxxxxx mailing lsit from chennailug - not sure
Bad. But hey, Ravi, thanks for brining this whole issue up,
Ravikant> though And no, I dont know of any such request(s) -
Ravikant> don't quote me though - I poll about 1000 mails per day,
Ravikant> on top of regular work/fun/life - i *could* have very
Ravikant> easily let a couple slip past me.
Then what is Atul talking about and what does he want?
Atul> We have heard nothing from the Bombay, Hyderabad, Chennai or
Atul> Cochin LUGs. Since these are prominent neighbouring LUGs, I
Atul> find this strange. Very strange. What happened to the
Atul> community spirit?
Ravikant> What I wanted to add here was that - Just 'cause
Ravikant> we didn't get down to doing stuff, doesn't quite mean
Ravikant> we're not into "community spirit" or whatever.All of us
Ravikant> here *ARE* informal, and we like it that way. Please
Exactly, just as there were so many folks at the li-reg list
who did not understand/appreciate commercial issues I think there are
commercial folks who do not understand informal non-commercial
LUG's. :)
Ravikant> don't (try to) commercialise ilugc - I swear I for one
Ravikant> am out of the lug if that ever happens.
Ravikant> All I will say is that people should not come to
Ravikant> quick, hasty and nasty decisions without a look at the
Ravikant> entire scenario
Ravikant> I *do* take objection to the rather offensive
Ravikant> language/tone of Atul's mail - That you make it sound as
Ravikant> though *all* of ilug-bangalore is dying for it.com
Ravikant> sounds rather hard to believe - i just saw a mail from
Ravikant> shanu wherein he apprised people of "who-is-doing-what"
Ravikant> in the multimedia section or whatever - he *HIMSELF*
Ravikant> said, "there's only me/gandalf/mrinal" ... and to add a
Ravikant> couple more names, there's probably
Ravikant> atul,gopi,khader,mahendra,biju who're doing something -
Ravikant> with >150 people attending each meet, you have hardly 10
Ravikant> people "in the thick of things" - with approx. 20 people
Ravikant> per meet here, i can quote right off the head -
Ravikant> me/zameer/swaraj/mks/suraj who will sit down and get
Ravikant> things done had the entire thing been "entrusted" to us
Ravikant> had the it.com thingie taken place in chennai. remember
Ravikant> that you guys are still physically inside bangalore and
Ravikant> suchlike - we here are a different buncha people, with
Ravikant> different mindsets, and different responsibilities - the
Ravi, cool it. You are obviously angry. Fundamental rule, never post
in anger. Well, we all violate it at times. :)
Ravikant> primary focus of bangalorelug seems to be, generating
Ravikant> presentations to use to deliver talks and the "author"
Ravikant> *READS* out whats on the screen/projector - wow - how
Ravikant> objecting. And if random people who dont belong in this
Ravikant> lug dont like it, um, they dont matter.
Ravikant> Please dont commercialise or mess up the way
Ravikant> ilugc's working - its going along just fine - as for
Ravikant> rude statements with no base, and no research, it just
Ravikant> goes to show how much more people need to mature, before
Ravikant> taking the reins in their hands.
Hey you are going completely off. This has no relevance. Atul did not
want to make any changes in the way ILUGC works and even if he did we
wouldnt change would we? :) Cool it man. We like ilugc the way it
is, yes. We are less aggressive about linux, yes. Atul doesnt like
it, maybe. But why call names over it?? Atul is upset and wants more
participation. Here is most prolly what is actually happening.
Atul and others slog to get money from PCQ and others. Now, not too
many people (or not as many as Atul and others would like) are
interested in IT.com. This makes the sponsors crib to Atul, saying
folks arent interested. Now, Atul is pained. Worse people accuse him
of misusing the funds to his advantage. Now, Atul is pissed. He
posts in desperation and anger trying to get interest. And now he
gets flamed. I think you'd agree that this is a possible
scenario. No?
Ravikant> Right - I agree that Atul *has* taken a major role,
Ravikant> and *someone* has to be held responsible and he has been
Ravikant> brave about it - I am glad for him, and that Linux in
Ravikant> India is in good hands - BUT that you should go
Ravikant> overboard and say, "ilug-bangalore kicks ass - the rest
Ravikant> of the lugs are...." is not quite what I expected. I'm
Well not all of the lugs are bad according to Atul. Chennai,
Cochin, and some others.
Ravikant> sorry if this sounded harsh - its not meant to be harsh
Ravikant> - It was just an effort to explain that we guys in
Ravikant> chennai are not just the plain buncha lazy losers that
Ravikant> atul or prabhu make us out to be.
Oh well, this is hilarious. You were the one who posted
saying we are doing badly in the Indian context. I tried to reply
sanely to Atul saying it is always tough to get volunteers, that we
are different and that I wasnt to be held responsible for this. Why
do you rake me in?
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