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Re: Viability of Linux companies (Was Re: A Linux Today story has been mailed to you!)

On Wed, 18 Apr 2001, Dr Tarique Sani <tarique@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

 |On Tue, 17 Apr 2001, Kingsly John wrote:
 |> FYI IE doesn't do JavaScript(TM)! (I don't think it ever did)
 |Hmmm.... .... IE may not be doing a lot of other things - BUT in my 2year+
 |of writing Javascript (yes it has its practical uses) I have found it much
 |easier to convince IE to do things than NS.

Like I was saying.... IE is more error tolerant... you miss a table tag or
add an extra one and it will still render... but netscape will complain
like crazy... but all said and done netscape is more standards compliant
than IE anyday.

Also FYI IE uses jscript and not javascript.(Which is a TM of Sun
Microsystem and used under license by Netscape)


	        .:: Kingsly John                ICQ 14787510 ::.
            .:: Linux 2.4.3 #7 Tue Apr 17 18:48:39 IST 2001 i686 ::.
           `:. Posted to the list on Wed Apr 18 10:52:49 IST 2001 .:'