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Re: [ News - Non Commercial ] Info Required

On Sat, Mar 24, 2001 at 12:05:27AM +0530, Raju Mathur merrily said:
> Helping KV's and Government schools is a great idea.  However I also
> feel that part of the objective is to expose people to Linux as early
> as possible, and giving Linux to all schools  would help in that.
> Schools can make independent decisions about which OS they use, while
> for Aptech and NIIT it's a corporate decision.
> What do you think?

I agree. WE should catch them young, regardless of origin. However, I
am curious. What IS the state of computer education in KVs and
government schools as opposed to private "public" schools??

- Sandip

Sandip Bhattacharya 
sandipb @ bigfoot.com