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Re: Experience the New Windows

Sthitaprajna [Thu, Feb 22, 2001 at 06:15:24AM +0530]: 

> On 21 Feb 2001, at 22:43, Suresh Ramasubramanian wrote:
> >  most powerful) IMHO. [from the mainstream distros, there may well be
> >  other distros around with varying degrees of user-friendly installs]
> Download a Progeny Linux ISO and try installing it:) It's nice and 
> has a hardware probe as well which recognised everything in my 
> friend's m/c...dut dunno if the hardware probe is a good thing, it 
> takes a long time and also takes the fun out of "doing it yourself".
What we need is a "linux india" distro, which has

1. out of the box support for SiS / i810, YMF724 sound cards (etc etc)

2. an "internet settings" wizard (kppp can be patched for this) which has out
of the box entries for vsnl, satyam, eth, bplnet etc (about a dozen of the
major ISPs) <= kde2 kppp's internet accounting has an entry "vsnl" - not tried
it yet though.

3. A set of startup scripts / default configs customized for extra

4. ReiserFS (if possible) - thanks to frequent powercuts being disastrous to an

5. Apps with local language support (tamil, devanagari etc) by default

6. [anything else] :)

This has been discussed up, down and sideways.  However, if some of us do a
little more work, I think something can be accomplished and this time, we make
it a _truly_ Indian linux, instead of the previous Aryan / Aryabhatt linux


Suresh Ramasubramanian  <-->  mallet <at> efn <dot> org
EMail Sturmbannfuhrer, Lower Middle Class Unix Sysadmin
"What separates normal people from kooks is how they react when people disagree
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