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Re: Experience the New Windows

I have been following this thread and it seems to me interesting.. and i
have the following observations to make...
It is true IMHO that windows is a bit more easier to use..i have a lot of
experience using windoz and some experience using linux.. I personally
believe that windows is aimed more for the casual and the non-techy that for
the others..(specifically the 9x series)..
However this generates its own sets of problems..unlike linux i cannot tweak
the OS to my liking, i cannot troubleshoot a problem as easily as i do with
linux, and every 6 months i have to trash my system and do a fresh install,
as the OS decays.. It's half life is very low..
On the otherhand Unix (or rather Linux) is invented, not for the casual user
at least at the time it was done..It was for a different purpose.. It is not
for using wordprocessing and such similar stuff... Linux or unix definitely
requires some knowledge about computers, no matter how all those distros
make it easy to install..
It rewards one by making him a true computer professional by forcing them to
learn... In my experience as a sysadmin and consultant for many in my city ,
i find that the user is more of the casual type  and asks me whether he can
use word on Linux.. I have a long story to tell him.. some get convinced and
some do not , especially the oldies..as they do not have the energy to
understand ..ALso the Job market influences the users to choose between
windows and linux.. I find that increasing numbers of users are also coming
forward to use Linux unlike in the past..
IMHO both the OS's are aimed at slightly different targets .. So we can
compare only to a certain extent.. I see that only now Linux is improving on
the user GUI interface ..But is very good as far as stability is concerned
compared to windows...
Both will coexist ...in the near future...