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Re: Experience the New Windows
ewiz [Wed, Feb 21, 2001 at 11:49:52PM -0800]:
> Linux is loosing the battle in time as far as desktops are concerned.
... so be it. a distro can be one thing or the other, it can't try to be
everything for everyone - a server, a "game OS" (which is what several
linuxers use 'doze as), a corporate workstation etc etc.
As nick hill pointed out, "distro"!= "linux" as well - so the newbies ('doze
power users who want that little bit extra) can use Caldera and Mandrake (or
maybe redhat). They can then switch to slakware, debian or whatever (or maybe
tweak their distro to the max extent they can)
> > >From a friend's .sig:
> > "Unix is user friendly all right, it is just very choosy about its friends"
> coool quote ..:-)
heh - I'll tell him you liked it :)
Suresh Ramasubramanian <--> mallet <at> efn <dot> org
EMail Sturmbannfuhrer, Lower Middle Class Unix Sysadmin
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