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Re: Experience the New Windows

HI all,

     To move Linux to desktop means more windows
compliant apps running on linux.. running either
native or compatible formats of storage. To make these
apps people ( or companies ) have to have good
development tools.. 

    The reason why Mr.Gates ( Ms for that matter ) are
successful because, he has a OS, he has bunch of well
laid out development tools & apps like MS-Office as
proof of concept that his platform & tools are viable.

    Even though Linux has all the tools (C/C++, Perl,
Python & a whole lot more i can't name all).. it lacks
a pretty integrated development use like Visual Studio
for MS. 

    If you actually look at it. The primary tool used
to develop windows App is Visual Basic. Could anyone
name any other vendor actually having a business of
making tools like to VB for Windows platform (No
Borland/Inprise please).. according to me NONE..

    This Chain of a Good OS, Excellent development
tools will generate useful apps which would put Linux
on the desktop..

    Also, i guess the same reasoning goes to the
failures of Solaris desktop version & mac. Even though
these are the better OS than windows.. they are lost
in the app arena thus on the desktop..

Just MY opinion



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