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Re: Experience the New Windows

Suresh Ramasubramanian wrote:
> *[Anand Biligiri S on Wed, Feb 21, 2001 at 06:56:33PM +0530]:
>To be honest, I find it quite difficult to use Windows, as I am used to
>working in Linux. It just takes some time and effort but it is worth it!

thats a illusion..........nobody(average user) has time these days...and
while Linux users start to learn KDE2(or Gnome1.4) M$ releases XP-2 and
cashes out the market :-)

Linux is loosing the battle in time as far as desktops are concerned.

> >From a friend's .sig:
> "Unix is user friendly all right, it is just very choosy about its friends"
coool quote ..:-)
Virtually yours, 

73's, VU2CLN, ICQ : 4779564 | nagendra@xxxxxxxxxxxx 
| "There is something much more scarce, something rarer than ability. 
| It is the ability to recognize ability." - Robert Half |

>         -s
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