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Re: Re: Au Revoir
On 17/02/01 14:55 +0530, Ravikant K. Rao spewed into the LI bitstream:
> First of all - Thanks for the seamless operations for all
> these years. I have hardly, if ever, experienced glitches with the LI*
First, I'll add a "me too" to this post.
> I am strongly of the opinion that you should only take a
> sabbatical and return as list admin, after 2+ months (which you most
This, too.
> I would nominate the following people, for the post of
> (temporary?) list admin, in no particular order of preference: Arun Sharma,
> Raju Mathur, Mrinal Kalakrishnan.
Arun or Raju would be the best bet - esp Raju, as he's got this nice huge ISP
and a fat pipe available here in India :) I have a feeling that Arun's
cablemodem connection would not be too happy trying to run the li-* lists ...
Suresh Ramasubramanian + mallet@xxxxxxx
Nature is by and large to be found out of doors, a location where, it
cannot be argued, there are never enough comfortable chairs.
-- Fran Leibowitz