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[Announce] Au Revoir

Hi everyone,

I'm hereby announcing my resignation from the post of List Admin of the
Linux India mailing lists.

The last 3 years have been a bumpy, yet fun ride.  I've been fortunate
enough to see the successes of Linux in India (the mushrooming number of
ILUGs, the number of Linux conferences with Big Name speakers etc.).  At
the same time, I've been unhappy with LI's failures (incessant bickering,
mistrust, LI-reg grinding to a halt etc.).  LI has succeeded beyond my
wildest expectations and simultaneously failed miserably worse than my
nightmares in forging a community.

I am leaving on a soul searching trip on March 12th and will be away from
computers for 2+ months.  I will not have the time and energy (and
inclination) to maintain the LI lists during this time.

I leave it up to you folks to decide the future of the LI mailing lists.  I
will publish the subscriber database someplace under
http://lists.linux-india.org/ so that it is easier to migrate the
subscribers to a new home (if one were to exist).

I'll be watching the progress of the open software movement in India with
interest and pride.

"Mom, romance is dead. It was acquired in a hostile takeover by Hallmark
and Disney, homogenized, then sold off piece by piece." -- Lisa Simpson
Sudhakar C13n    http://www.aunet.org/thaths/    Lead Indentured Slave