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Re: [Announce] Au Revoir

 Sudhakar Chandra <thaths@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wanted to say sad things  on
Friday, February 16, 2001 10:29 PM

> Hi everyone,
> I'm hereby announcing my resignation from the post of List Admin of the
> Linux India mailing lists.

You can not do this. Don't you know about notice period ? !!!

Well, Thats - I have been with this list for some time and seen the rise and
fall in the level of interaction. You have done a very good job in
moderating, changing [LI?] insertion and other things I must thank you for
helping me improve my knowledge and helping me use Linux.

> The last 3 years have been a bumpy, yet fun ride.  I've been fortunate
> enough to see the successes of Linux in India (the mushrooming number of
> ILUGs, the number of Linux conferences with Big Name speakers etc.).  At
> the same time, I've been unhappy with LI's failures (incessant bickering,
> mistrust, LI-reg grinding to a halt etc.).  LI has succeeded beyond my
> wildest expectations and simultaneously failed miserably worse than my
> nightmares in forging a community.

Well, bickering on the list may have increased but you must give due
recognition to the level - from the day of howto install, howto partition
the discussion is now reached to quite advanced level. If it lacks on
maturity -- that may be due to the young minds that are being drawn to the
list. LI has a very large number of young members -- this IMHO will have a
significant impact on Linux for the years to come. All said and done, lack
of maturity well compensets for the level of discussion.

> I am leaving on a soul searching trip on March 12th and will be away from
> computers for 2+ months.  I will not have the time and energy (and
> inclination) to maintain the LI lists during this time.

Wish you best -- for the soul searching and hope to see back after that.

> I leave it up to you folks to decide the future of the LI mailing lists.
> will publish the subscriber database someplace under
> http://lists.linux-india.org/ so that it is easier to migrate the
> subscribers to a new home (if one were to exist).

DONT DO -- you will make us sitting duck for spam attack. If you do not want
spend time on LI and do not have any other volenteer, shift the list to
eGroups or some other free discussion list. Many of the LUG uses it and may
be LI can also use in absence of a capable person like you.

> I'll be watching the progress of the open software movement in India with
> interest and pride.
Don't sit on fence ... remember Hupty-Dumpty -- take your leave and come
back with new force.

- Soumya
URL: http://www.geocities.com/soumyanath