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Re: [Announce] Au Revoir

Dear Sudhakar,
though we never corresponded directly. but we will missu a lot.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Sudhakar Chandra" <thaths@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <linux-india-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>;
Sent: Friday, February 16, 2001 8:59 AM
Subject: [LIG] [Announce] Au Revoir

> Hi everyone,
> I'm hereby announcing my resignation from the post of List Admin of the
> Linux India mailing lists.
> The last 3 years have been a bumpy, yet fun ride.  I've been fortunate
> enough to see the successes of Linux in India (the mushrooming number of
> ILUGs, the number of Linux conferences with Big Name speakers etc.).  At
> the same time, I've been unhappy with LI's failures (incessant bickering,
> mistrust, LI-reg grinding to a halt etc.).  LI has succeeded beyond my
> wildest expectations and simultaneously failed miserably worse than my
> nightmares in forging a community.
> I am leaving on a soul searching trip on March 12th and will be away from
> computers for 2+ months.  I will not have the time and energy (and
> inclination) to maintain the LI lists during this time.
> I leave it up to you folks to decide the future of the LI mailing lists.
> will publish the subscriber database someplace under
> http://lists.linux-india.org/ so that it is easier to migrate the
> subscribers to a new home (if one were to exist).
> I'll be watching the progress of the open software movement in India with
> interest and pride.
> Thaths
> --
> "Mom, romance is dead. It was acquired in a hostile takeover by Hallmark
> and Disney, homogenized, then sold off piece by piece." -- Lisa Simpson
> Sudhakar C13n    http://www.aunet.org/thaths/    Lead Indentured Slave
> ----------------------------------------------
> An alpha version of a web based tool to manage
> your subscription with this mailing list is at
> http://lists.linux-india.org/cgi-bin/mj_wwwusr