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Re: Accusations

On Mon, Feb 05, 2001 at 09:39:47PM +0530, Suresh Ramasubramanian wrote:
> I hope so, sincerely.  However, people have to be dissuaded from _trying_ it.
> Too many (extremely ugly) flamewars have resulted out of this politicking
> already.  He's already larted my immediate boss, and implies that he's
> perfectly willing to lart my boss's boss and so on ... which is what gave him
> the dutch courage to post this, I expect.

from what I've followed so far, U're mixing up personal stuff with LI. Atul sending
feelers to u're boss doesn't mess up any of the Linux Movement in India. I dont
see how u're getting anywhere by posting on LIG/LIH/insert-list-here. 

> errr... I'd better

ahh! finally, now i can devote my bandwidth to updating to -current, rather than
get it all gobbled up by the LI spam.

> How much?  I'll bid 10 paise (all that pollution from the mathura refineries
> has lowered the value somwhat, I'm told)

put it on ebay. or how about our own desi version of it? baazee.com perhaps?


PS: all replies to this mail to be mailed to me personally.. pleez dont trouble
the other poer souls on LI any more than than they already are.

Nikhil Shankar

Slackware Linux			http://www.slackware.com
The distro with an attitude. Some distributions have character.