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Re: Linux setting

On Mon, 11 Sep 2000, Kelvin Ng spewed into the ether:
>     Does somebody knows how to re-init processes
> without reboot the system after removing unwanted
> process from rc.d/init.d/rc3 files
Use telinit as root. Or you can stop the processes before removing them.
/etc/rc.d/init.d/process stop
Otherwise just kill the process: killall processname or kill PID.

>    (1) What is a single mode user and what is
> multimode  user , and how do I knows whether I'm in
> single mode or multi  ?   How do I enable single mode
> or multimode ?
single user mode is like MS DOS, only one user can work on the machine 
at a time. Multi user mode is when many users can work on the machine 
If the machine is running, telinit 1 as root will get you to single 
user mode, multiuser mode(s) will be 2,3,4,5, look into your 
/etc/inittab for which one of these you use.

Devdas Bhagat
Many people write memos to tell you they have nothing to say.