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Re: Non-political term

>>"Atul" == Atul Chitnis <achitnis@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

 Atul> Is there a non-politicised term to describe the phenomenon of
 Atul> thousands of people collaborating on a software project,
 Atul> building communities and changing the world? One that started
 Atul> sometime in the early 90's, revived the concept of sharing and
 Atul> rallying around a cause, and is actually being accepted today
 Atul> as a norm (rather than a compulsion)?

 Atul> "GNU" is not applicable because of the way it has been turned into a
 Atul> political battleground, and I won't even mention "GPL" or "OpenSource". 

        GNU is a project, it is definitely not a term describing the
 synergy inherent in free software communities. It is o more
 applicable than Debian or Apache, though onot for the reasons you
 cite. (Actually, I have a problem with the reason, because mere
 controversy should not invalidate an otherwiwse correct term). 

        The GPL is a licence; it definitely is not applicable either.

        OpenSource comes closest, but it is a descritpion of licencing
 terms of software, and definitely not a descriptive term for the

 Atul> In the past (and currently), I have used the name "Linux" to
 Atul> describe the phenomenon, for no other reason that people
 Atul> identify with it, recognise it and associate it with success
 Atul> through technical prowess rather than brute political
 Atul> force. This means that I effectively look at Linux as neither a
 Atul> kernel nor an OS, but as a movement, or a symptom.

        That is certainly a unique perspective.

 Atul> I wonder whether this is acceptable, though? Reading some
 Atul> recent posts, and transcripts of speeches, I wonder whether
 Atul> this is OK or whether this "third perspective" of mine is just
 Atul> leading the troops into yet another minefield?

        It would not be a minefield, but it is definitely counter
 intuitive and confusing, since the terms you have picked so far have
 very definite meaning to people, and none fo their meaning/usage is
 quite what you are trying to convey.

        My advice is to coin a word or a phrase -- invoke synergy,
 distributed eyeballs, release often, release early, etc.

        Doesn't ESR's Bazaar come close to describing it?

 "To me, on of the most exciting things in the world is being poor,
 and survival, such an exciting challenge." Thomas S. Monaghan,
 Founder, Domino's Pizza and Legatus, "National Catholic Reporter",
 3/23/90, as quoted in "The Far Right, Speaking For Themselves," a
 Planned Parenthood pamphlet
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@xxxxxxxxxx>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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