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Re: Free software, proprietary software and Stalin
>>"Tarique" == SANIsoft <swati@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
Tarique> Free software means that *I* also have the freedom not to
Tarique> give it away for free - not to sell it at a price lower than
Tarique> *I* feel it deserves or vice versa
As an author, you have the absolute right to distribute your
code under whatever licence you wish -- including purely
propreitary. You can even do so if you have already released your
code under the GPL -- you are the author, after all.
You can't take other peoples code and relicence it -- you
would be violating their rights.
"As soon as you are willing to discard observational data because it
conflicts with religion, you are giving up any hope of ever really
understanding the universe. As soon as you pick religion as the
touchstone of reality, then we have to start discussing how one can
demonstrate the correctness of one religion over another when
different *religions* disagree." Wilson Heydt (whheydt@xxxxxxxxxxx)
"The answer is simple: kill the heretics. History shows us that this
is the actual solution that competing religions apply -- trial by
combat or trial by ordeal. God is the final arbiter. What a sad
waste of human potential it has proven to be." Paul Hager
Manoj Srivastava <srivasta@xxxxxxxxxx> <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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