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Re: Meeting for August?


>>>>> "DPS" == Dr. P Sriram <sriram@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

    DPS> i am given to understand that we will meet on 19th; prabhu is
    DPS> not around but should be back in a couple of days to make the
    DPS> announcement. sunday the 20th is ok with me too, but public
    DPS> demand shall prevail.

	I'm back!  Was out of town (away from email etc.) for a couple
of days on (ahem!) official business.  Yes, Saturday the 19th of
Aug. should be fine.

    >> 2] Whats on the agenda? I have some personal
    >> suggestions/requests to make: a) Dr.Sriram's much-awaited
    >> sendmail talks?
    DPS> what is radius? i dont use it. why dont you talk about
    DPS> something that i use?

	Well, you all heard it.  Dr. Sriram will talk on RADIUS, maybe 

	Since ilugc's 24 hrs are up I guess some one has volunteered
(I mean volunteered themselves - proxying is not allowed :).  So who
is it?  

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