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Re: XF86Config - got the help

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On Fri, 16 Jul 1999 08:11:59   Karthik K H wrote:
>Hi all,
>    I am getting back to the resolution problem for X

>I always get a default of 640x480.

>I tried even Ctrl+Alt+"+" . Nothing happens , even when I login as root.

>I tried configuring thru' "xf86config" program for 4 times.

>Even though I select the options for 800x600 when setting the preferred order of resolution , it seems of no use.

>When I selected for auto probing , the program said the resolution was 1024x768 & then it could not start X windows.


>I am attaching my XF86Config file , so any one with a better knowledge about this, please suggest me where I need to make the necessary changes.


>I am using RH Linux 6.0 with all default installations. & SiS 6326 AGP card.



>Karthik K H 




Thank you Mr Karthik!

I will try to configure my Trident 3DImage 9750 Card using this technique.


R Rajendran

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