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Re: Re: Viability of Linux companies

On Sat, Apr 21, 2001 at 05:48:51PM +0530, Raju Mathur wrote:
> Hi Arun,
> >>>>> "Arun" == Arun Sharma <arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>     Arun> [snip]
>     Arun> I don't bash Linux. I bash GPL. And sorry, I don't agree
>     Arun> with the term GNU/Linux, nor is Linux == GPL.
> Going by the tone of your posts, the two are the same.

No, they are not. But some people may have a misconception that they are.

>     Arun> I think some parts of Linux are great - but I hate to see
>     Arun> all the energy going in a direction that's not useful to >
>     Arun> 95% of the computing population and never will be.
> That's a load of balls.  The only person who's so worried about the
> GPL is you, because it threatens you and your lifestyle.  Whenever
> there's a discussion about the GPL your only contribution is to ask,
> ``Where is the money?''

As I said, I do open source for fun, not for money. That was not meant
to be a snide remark at people who make money from open source.

My point was that when I want to make money, I write closed source software,
sometimes on other closed source, sometimes on top of open source (when its
legal), but almost always using some open source software tools.

I don't like to question how other people make their money. That's for the
law to determine.
