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Re: Re: Viability of Linux companies

Hi Arun,

>>>>> "Arun" == Arun Sharma <arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

    Arun> [snip]
    Arun> I don't bash Linux. I bash GPL. And sorry, I don't agree
    Arun> with the term GNU/Linux, nor is Linux == GPL.

Going by the tone of your posts, the two are the same.

    Arun> I think some parts of Linux are great - but I hate to see
    Arun> all the energy going in a direction that's not useful to >
    Arun> 95% of the computing population and never will be.

That's a load of balls.  The only person who's so worried about the
GPL is you, because it threatens you and your lifestyle.  Whenever
there's a discussion about the GPL your only contribution is to ask,
``Where is the money?''  Let's get this straight: there is no money.
If you don't like it, go do something else: become a politician, join
the IAS, dig up roads, stand at Nehru Place crossing with a bowl in
your hand, whatever.  However much you may like to believe to the
contrary, the software developers of this world and the software
industry do not exist for the sole purpose of ``Bettering Arun
Sharma's lot''.  Disabuse yourself of the notion that things have to
carry on exactly as they have been for the past 10 years just because
it benefits you.

    Arun> I'm not here to "convert" linux people to bsd. I'd like to
    Arun> see Linux people writing programs using a non-GPL license,
    Arun> so that some company will have an incentive in productizing
    Arun> it. Apparently, you guys don't care about it, since it
    Arun> doesn't change anything for you.

You seem to think that everyone should go around advocating non-GPL
licenses since not doing so will kill large software houses and drive
the software corporate market into the ground, as well as shoving
programmers like you out of a job.  Well, I got news for you my
friend: the millions of people who're developing GPL code around the
world today don't give a damn about either economic models or your
job.  If there isn't a viable economic model for corporates selling or
maintaining GPL software, there will be no such corporates in the
future.  Watch me weep as Redhat, VA Linux and Caldera die -- I'll cry
about as much as when MS and Oracle come crashing to the ground.

All this reminds me strongly of VSNL and its attitude vis-a-vis
Internet telephopny: I can't do it, it doesn't benefit me, so it must
not be done.  If you can't get a job programming for money in the new
world, tough shit.  Go do something else.  Or starve.

    Arun> [more snip]


-- Raju
Raju Mathur          raju@xxxxxxxxxxxxx           http://kandalaya.org/