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Re: [Long Post] Time to clean up this town.
> This is what makes him responsible.
> The issue raised by Ragh00 is about the relation between linux-india
> and local chapter in Cochin. Ragh00 has the right to ask about it
> and some one responsible(Atul or any one else) should answer it.
Hello Nikil,
You are missing the point here issues raised by Ragh00 has not been
convincingly answered .
Also i see all the people tring to single out Rag00 for asking few questions
about local chapter in Cochin .
I get a feel that you people not to say exocore are tring to bump of Rag00 by
using tariqe/swathi issue , because suresh solved it you are flameing him .
just because you hosting some site does'nt give all the freedom spoil any one's
happiness .
I too respect Atul but also i respect Suresh too !! sigleing out Suresh or
Ragh00 or even me and bury cause behind it is bad idea Nikil.
> Atul Chitnis is currently the web master of LI, using server space and
> bandwidth paid for from Exocore's pocket.
It's a good job what he is doing but but it should not be misused by you to curb
some body's voice .
Please Raju/thats solve this .
RaghuNath L pager:9624395369
WSS-Team,Texas Instruments India.
"Unix is user friendly all right, it is just very choosy about its friends
in perticuler GILL BATES"