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Re: [Bribe PCQ!]
yo nikhil,
im verry sorry to hear about the offdhand treatment PCQ is giving
you.that "manager" of PCQ musta got balls of steel trying a stunt like
that.dont they have enough money or are they just so... dying for publicity?
BTW this is the first time im mailing you so herez my intro:
name : guha s kashyap (of yore BVBPS class , remember?)
LUG : True64
role: founder
URL : www.angelfire.com/linux/true64
email: pers: gskashyap@xxxxxxx
comm: firestarter64@xxxxxxx
distro: RedHat
help? : yes!
phone: 040-3776044
okay, was that enuff?
anyway, ive got a few contacts up my sleeve, so if ya need any help i can
give, call up!(want me to flame PCQ ? Ill do it !)
howz life otherwise? are you still doin BCA like you said you would? call up
anytime between 1900-2100 hrs to talk to me, ill be home.
(PS you can quote me on the PCQ guys!)
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