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fw: [TwinCLinG] Sequel to Linux Pre-installtion Checklist mini HOWTO]
Hi folks ...
People were asking about documentation for the LIH site (and stuff developed by
Indians). Here's something for both those queries (x-posted to LIG - sorry if
you get two copies)...
FYI. Doc Partha (of ilughyd) has written a linux pre-installation checklist
(which has long been part of the LDP, and is linked from the linux.org main
He'd welcome the list's feedback, I'm sure (please mail him directly as per his
----- Forwarded message from partha <algolog@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> -----
From: partha <algolog@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2001 19:29:01 +0530
To: linux-announce@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: ilughyd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [plus a big list of other people]
Subject: [TwinCLinG] Sequel to Linux Pre-installtion Checklist mini HOWTO
Organization: Algologic Research & Solutions
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.76 [en] (Win98; U)
Reply-To: ilughyd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sub.: Sequel to the pre-installation checklist
Hello friends,
You may be aware of the mini-HOWTO "Linux pre-installation checklist"
which is part of the official mini-HOWTOs of LDP. This mini-HOWTO is
a very popular tool considering the number of visitors to the site
where it is hosted, and the number of feedback messages I get every
day, and the fact that it has been translated into many foreign
I am now working on a sequel to this checklist -- called as the
post-installation checklist. In this checklist I will be including
steps one must take IMMEDIATELY AFTER installing Linux e.g. copying
and storing important files like XF86Config. I will include some
finer points to help system tuning, network admin, maintenance,
updates etc. I am also preparing a shell script for doing this
I invite suggestions from the Linux community on items which can go
into the post-installation checklist. You must include actions which
you think are necessary IMMEDIATELY AFTER installation of Linux, and
particularly your xperiences where you had wished you had done some
specific action. Please send replies to me privately (not through
this mailing list). I will compile the suggestions and inform all of
PS: For your information, the pre-installation checklist can be found
An SGML version is also available from the above site, as well as from
the LDP site. The SGML version was created by Jesse Goerz
<jgoerz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> I thank him and salute him publicly for the
efforts he has put in voluntarily.
You are welcome to make translations of the pre-installation
checklist, as well as the post-installation list (when it is ready).
Please get in touch with me.
Dr. S. Parthasarathy Phone: + 91 - 40 - 775 1650
Algologic Research & Solutions FAX: + 91 - 40 - 775 1135
78 Sancharpuri Colony
Bowenpally P.O.
Secunderabad 500 011 - India
e mail: algolog@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Note: h-d-one after the @ symbol)
WWW-URL: http://algolog.tripod.com
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Date : 24th Feb,2K1
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Suresh Ramasubramanian <--> mallet <at> efn <dot> org
EMail Sturmbannfuhrer, Lower Middle Class Unix Sysadmin
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