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Re: Re:Accusations

omicron@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote: [ on 02:52 PM 2/6/01 +0530 ]

i dont mean offence to any one, but if any one of the list members do
feel aggrieved by anything else other than the list topic, is it too much to ask
them to put a subject header like "[EOT]" (extremely off-topic) or something
similarly unique and apt, so that my  procmail gets a chance to filter it ?

I would, in fact, prefer a more conventional interpretation of EOT (i.e, end of transmission). Kill this thread, people. It's gone on way too long and is beginning to bore the $#!^ out of me.

[Fnord Fnord Fnord, for the conspiracy theorists.]


((Udhay Shankar N)) ((udhay @ pobox.com)) ((www.digeratus.com))
     God is silent. Now if we can only get Man to shut up.