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Re: Re: setting up mirrors

 Why do we have to worry tooo much on issues like having control and other
things.We need to do something first,than doing it better.Why cant ILUG ask
a few companies for sponsoring this project.They are entitled to have
ads,slogan whatever they want in the download pages. [this idea sucks? huh?]

Ganesh Kumar
[Sysadmin Teleindia/ Apic]

----- Original Message -----
From: Atul Chitnis <achitnis@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Linux India General <linux-india-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, February 02, 2001 2:16 PM
Subject: [LIG] Re: setting up mirrors

> [Ignoring Suresh "MalletHead"'s personal attacks completely, since they
> have nothing to do with this discussion]
> Ruchir:
> > What exactly are you trying to say. If anybody decides to host
> > a server, they are doing you a service. Why and how would they
> > themselves misuse it ?
> OK, let me give you an example:
> Let's say someone sponsors a colocated server at VSNL.
> [Aside - someone mentioned "costs" - it costs just 2 lakhs a year to
> colocate at VSNL with a really fat pipe backing it, while it costs 4.25
> lakhs a year plus about 4 lakhs of equipment to set up a miserable 64k
> leased line - which seems the easier/cheaper/more_effective thing to do?]
> Let's say that the person who runs the server and the site is called "X".
> Now, X has at his disposal a huge resource - one that very few people can
> afford. X makes sure that the mirror is updated [another aside - *one*
> mirror for all of India????] and functions properly.
> Now X belongs to ILUG Timbuktoo. ILUG-T itself has nothing to do with the
> functioning of the resource, but that doesn't change the fact that X is a
> member of ILUG-T.
> After a while, several ILUGs start muttering and complaining. "Why does
> ILUG-T have control over this national resource? Is ILUG-T all of Linux
> India? We too should have control over this resource."
> Fair enough. So it is decided that every ILUG will have an
> elected/nominated representative sysadmin working along with X to maintain
> the server.
> Now, we have dozens of ILUGs......
> At some point, the finger-pointing starts. "X is downloading MP3s for
> himself!" "Y is providing email addresses to his friends on that server!"
> "Z has started a break-away LUG in his city and *also* wants to have
> access".
> This in itself is not misuse - it is implied misuse. OK, so we need to
> form a committee to supervise the functioning of the resource. Naturally,
> the committee needs to have elected/nominated members, which is another
> ball of wool....
> Ho hum - welcome to the world of LI politics.
> Feel free to disagree with me - I am just speaking from experience.
> Atul
> --
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> Atul Chitnis       | achitnis@xxxxxxxxxxx (PGP:6011BCB8)
> Exocore Consulting | http://www.exocore.com
> Bangalore, India   | +91 (80) 3440397 Fax +91 (80) 3341137
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> ----------------------------------------------
> LIG is all for free speech.  But it was created
> for a purpose.  Violations of the rules of
> this list will result in stern action.