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Fwd: Abit KA7-100 (Gentus Part II)

<chuckle> Abit is going to love this :)


From: andre@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Andre Hedrick)
Newsgroups: muc.lists.linux-kernel
Subject: Abit KA7-100 (Gentus Part II)
Date: 8 Jun 2000 07:47:46 +0200


You asked me about this before ATA-100 was public.
ABIT/Gentus Linux is in direct violation of GPL.

Please notify all of the members in the purchasing group across the USA
that I am just short of calling of a product boycott.  I would ask that
you and your business associates apply finacial pressure on ABIT before a
future boycott request could impact you.  I regret that it may come to
this point.

Second, I will call you in the morning about the purchase of one of these
mainboards....as an ABIT customer....I am going to get real nasty about
support.  Since I know how to break their bootable kernel under the
correct stress test and will not tell them how to fix it.  I will soon
attempt to invoke FS corruption by their binary kernels.

No one will use hardware that is defined and proven to eat data.

If you can help me and the OSC resolve the GPL issue, I will then tell
them how to fix the bug and it is fixed in modern kernels.


Andre Hedrick
The Linux ATA/IDE guy

PS  Everyone else, please do not bug Rick.
    Rick wants to sell boards not listen to flame email.

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