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Re: Re: [LIH] Fwd: Kylix Kickoff

>>>>> "Thaths" == Sudhakar Chandra <thaths@xxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

    Thaths> Suresh Ramasubramanian proclaimed:
    >> 1. Block gtcdrom@xxxxxxxx from the LIH list (pity, as they are
    >> Cheapbytes affiliates in India) and put this addy and
    >> gtcdrom.com (their domain) in your /etc/mail/deny.db (oh hell,
    >> you're running postfix, right - do the equivalent thing in
    >> postfix)

    Thaths> That, IMO, is overkill.  I haven't complained much about
    Thaths> GT Enterprises because they are doing a good job with
    Thaths> supplying India with CDs and it only takes me a few
    Thaths> seconds to delete their spam.

I disagree.  Blocking spam isn't a matter of opinion, it should be one 
rule applied to all.  If we block (e.g.) Inprise from posting
commercial messages to the list, we should by the same token block GT

However, I'd be glad to see a rule which permits GT to continue
sending commercial messages while blocking absolute lamer
organisations.  My suggestion is that we leave it to the judgement of
the people running the list... a bit of despotism is useful to cut
through red tape once in a while.


-- Raju