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Re: Re: [LIH] Fwd: Kylix Kickoff
Raju Mathur saw fit to inform LI that:
>I disagree. Blocking spam isn't a matter of opinion, it should be one
>rule applied to all. If we block (e.g.) Inprise from posting
>commercial messages to the list, we should by the same token block GT
That's not the issue at all. GT Enterprises (or any other "dotcom" <yuck,
_how_ I hate that term) is perfectly free to post on-topic ads to the
list, with a COMMERCIAL: tag in the subject. The LI charter allows this.
However, GT was sending its pricelist to Thaths - offlist, to his personal
mail id - when he hadn't asked for or subscribed to it.
They also ignored several unsubscribe requests from him (in which he
patiently explained that he's based in the USA and has a fat pipe to the
net, and so doesn't want any GTCDROM ads). This crosses the border of
legit advertising and becomes spam.
I don't know about VSNL, but such practices are considered spam here at
Juno, and accounts can be and are terminated for spamming if such
incidents are reported to us. If I was in Thaths' place, I'd have
complained if GT started spamming me offlist, when I've never been their
It's a rather lousy problem in India - most of these "dotcoms" moronically
assume that if somebody mails them re anything (or even posts to LI, which
they read), or has an email address listed in the yellow pages, they are
perfectly free to send all kinds of ads to such an address.
Plus, by some weird coincidence, their mailer (usually M$ Outhouse) is set
to add the senders of _all incoming messages_ to their address book. When
you report them for spam, they are really shocked. They are even more
shocked when their costly [website|server] disappears into thin air <g>
freeclue: If anyone who is reading this list is following such tactics,
read http://www.efuse.com/Grow/direct_email_marketing_.html
If that does not give enough of a clue, read
http://www.mail-abuse.org/rbl/manage.html and
Suresh Ramasubramanian | sureshr at staff.juno.com
A well adjusted person is one who makes the same mistake
twice without getting nervous.