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DevShed: Open-Source - On Why Not
Another one who doesn't understand the first thing about the
rapidly-growing community and the philosophy behind free software.
Does Mr Beste really think that anyone cares that IBM hasn't released
the source code for AIX when there are equally good or better products
going around? As for the software corporations going broke because
their open source products will be ``pirated'' (haahaa!), no one is
forcing anyone to start or continue a software corporation. To
paraphrase, if you choose to stand on the street corner and sell air,
and go out of business because air is free, identify the idiot in the
picture :-)
Beste makes his points compellingly with enough data to back them up,
but he (and many others) just don't understand the first thing about
the free software movement. Releasing the source to a software may
never make money for a company, but who cares? That's not the reason
to release the source, as many people (including Beste) appear to
think. You don't make free software because you want to make money
out of it directly. You make free software because you cannot help
coding, and you know there is a better way to do it (whatever ``it''
is), you have the confidence in yourself to do it, and you can look
beyond your own little interests and think about others enough to not
Free software will rule (rules?) the world not because people are
making money out of it (they will, but that's not the point) but
because free is the only way for software to be in the long term.
-- Raju
>>>>> "Arun" == Arun Sharma <adsharma@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
Arun> http://www.devshed.com/Talk/BrainDump/OS_YNot/ Says most of
Arun> what I've been trying to say on this list.
Arun> -Arun
Arun> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Arun> The LIG mailing list archives are available at:
Arun> http://lists.linux-india.org/cgi-bin/wilma/linux-india-general