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Re: DevShed: Open-Source - On Why Not
On Tue, Mar 07, 2000 at 09:38:57AM +0530, Raj Mathur typed:
> Beste makes his points compellingly with enough data to back them up,
> but he (and many others) just don't understand the first thing about
> the free software movement.
The above seems to be the supreme argument I've been seeing over and
over again in the GPL vs XYZ debates.. People who do't endorse GPL
do so because they don't "understand" it - whereas the GPL proponents
fully "understand" the points of view of others and have decided very
"rationally" that there can be nothing better than GPL on this earth :)
> Releasing the source to a software may never make money for a company,
> but who cares?
Well a lot of people may care .. And why can't you let them be ? Why
force your philosophy down "everyone"'s throat ?
> Free software will rule (rules?) the world not because people are
> making money out of it (they will, but that's not the point) but
> because free is the only way for software to be in the long term.
Time will tell..