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Re: DevShed: Open-Source - On Why Not
"They will" is a questionable statement I feel.
And practically speaking any business will only look at going open source if there is
a business advantage in doing so - businesses are not motivated by the urge to code -
people are motivated by the urge to code.
Businesses are motivated by the idea that they can stop maintaining a non revenue
earning product by asking some chump with nothing to do to take over the work.
By the way is redhat according to you then standing on the street corner and trying
to sell air ?
paraphrase, if you choose to stand on the street corner and sell air,
and go out of business because air is free, identify the idiot in the
picture :-)
does that make redhat,suse slakware mandrake etc etc idiots ?
Discussion appreciated.
> Free software will rule (rules?) the world not because people are
> making money out of it (they will, but that's not the point) but
> because free is the only way for software to be in the long term.
> Regards,
> -- Raju
> >>>>> "Arun" == Arun Sharma <adsharma@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> Arun> http://www.devshed.com/Talk/BrainDump/OS_YNot/ Says most of
> Arun> what I've been trying to say on this list.
> Arun> -Arun
> Arun> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Arun> The LIG mailing list archives are available at:
> Arun> http://lists.linux-india.org/cgi-bin/wilma/linux-india-general
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> LIG is all for free speech. But it was created for a purpose - to
> discuss general issues about Linux. If your messages are
> counterproductive to this purpose, your privileges to submit
> messages can and will be revoked.
Robin S Chatterjee Yahoo pager ID -Robinchatterjee
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