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Re: Re: Free software, proprietary software and Stalin
>>"Arun" == Arun Sharma <adsharma@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
Arun> Their (BSD) main concern is software.
Really? If I were as uncharitale as you, I woul say their main
concern is ego -- and certainly find justification on the
mailinglists. However, I don't want to stoop to those levels.
All I am going to say is that community is certainly not one
of the strong motivations for them.
Arun> Not politics.
What politics? Did you see me preach about republicans? Or
democrats? Or getting anyone elected? Where do you get off calling
community building politics? Politics is Theo splitting off from his
ertswhile comarades. Polititcs is *NOT* my deciding licencing terms
on my code.
You can label anything vile, with no justification, and then
denigrate it
Arun> I note that BSD license doesn't exclude building the community
Arun> and meeting many of the same goals of the GNU project.
No, truth to tell, it doesn't. It just makes it a lot harder
-- it is easier for people to make off with the software and not
contribute back, which is a bummer. Enough of a buummer that the BSD
people have squandered a decades early start, and are now playing
Arun> The rest of the statements about ulterior motives and self
Arun> aggrandizement, gullible coders etc is the fantasy of a fertile
Arun> mind, IMO.
Really? I wonder. Of course, if you were in it for the money
(as you once confessed you are), you woudn't agree with this anyway,
would you?
Arun> Selling software is not a crime, nor is it exploitation. No one needs
Arun> protection. Get over it.
I beg to differ. I have a BSD derived box it costs thousands
of dollars to upgrade -- and I am at the mercy of the people sho took
the open source coide, branded and closed it, for bug fixes --
obviously I do not have access to the source code.
Hell, I need something that protects *my* code and users from
such a thing. *You* may not freelk the need for protection. But you
can't tel;l me, and people like me, that we do not need protection --
espescial;l;y with your public sentiments about monetary
Arun> And think about: http://quote.yahoo.com/q?s=RHAT&d=1y and what
Arun> happens when the Linux hype subsides. How are you going to get
Arun> your video/network/modem card to work ? Are you going to get
Arun> support from your cable modem/DSL company ? Or you're left
Arun> writing these "Please support Linux" letters ?
Just liek we got things to work when there _was_ no Linux
hype. I have been using Linux since late '93 -- when the BSD's were
supposedly more hip.
Matrimony isn't a word, it's a sentence.
Manoj Srivastava <srivasta@xxxxxxxxxx> <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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