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Re: [LI] Forming user groups in Colleges an Universities
Raj Mathur proclaimed:
> Can we discuss the possibility of changing the names of the groups to
> use GNU/Linux instead of Linux?
I think a renaming just to satisfy RMS is a big price to pay. RMS is
blackmailing. It is not that he has broken his own rule. He has spoken to
the Silicon Valley LUG (SVLUG) without insisting that it be called
SVG/LUG. He did start off the speech saying "I am here to talk about
GNU/Linux". But that is acceptable.
PS: Remember that LI and LIG are being archived. If you do not want your
opinion to be archived please use the X-No-archive header.
PPS: The domain name thinggy should be fixed now.
"Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand"
-- Homer J. Simpson
Sudhakar C13n http://people.netscape.com/thaths/ Lead Indentured Slave