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Re: [LI] Forming user groups in Colleges an Universities

Hi Thaths,

Nah, I don't want to do it just to satisfy RMS, I'd stated other
reasons in my post too (which you conveniently elided ;-)

Anyway, no harm in discussing.


-- Raju

>>>>> "Thaths" == Sudhakar Chandrasekharan <thaths@xxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

    Thaths> Raj Mathur proclaimed:
    >> Can we discuss the possibility of changing the names of the
    >> groups to use GNU/Linux instead of Linux?

    Thaths> I think a renaming just to satisfy RMS is a big price to
    Thaths> pay.  RMS is blackmailing.  It is not that he has broken
    Thaths> his own rule.  He has spoken to the Silicon Valley LUG
    Thaths> (SVLUG) without insisting that it be called SVG/LUG.  He
    Thaths> did start off the speech saying "I am here to talk about
    Thaths> GNU/Linux".  But that is acceptable.

    Thaths> Thaths PS: Remember that LI and LIG are being archived.  If
    Thaths> you do not want your opinion to be archived please use the
    Thaths> X-No-archive header.  PPS: The domain name thinggy should
    Thaths> be fixed now.  -- "Just because I don't care doesn't mean I