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Re: Anti-Linux talk at IT World '99/Comdex India????

On Mon, Dec 06, 1999 at 01:26:10PM +0530, Atul Chitnis wrote:
> > Dec 10, 16:00-16:45
> > Developers Track: "Why You should not use Linux"
> > Vijay Mukhi, President VMCI, Mumbai

Actually, the preceding talk from the SCO guy doesn't seem to be Linux
friendly either.

I've been to some Linux events in the valley (esp - around the time
Linux was hitting the press big time) and there have been lively
panel discussions - with reps from Microsoft etc.

But of late too much money and reputations are at stake. I don't see
that (dispassionate technical discussions) happening.

I agree. Linux and open source need to be better represented - especially
under the Linux track, where pro Linux talks seem to be outnumbered.

	-Arun (Who had too much sleep during the day and is having a 
               tough time sleeping)