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Re: Anti-Linux talk at IT World '99/Comdex India????
On Mon, 6 Dec 1999, Arun Sharma wrote:
> Actually, the preceding talk from the SCO guy doesn't seem to be Linux
> friendly either.
Yes, a notable member of the community in the US just told me the same
thing - I must be getting old to have missed that one. It appears that all
talks scheduled after Maddog's are basically to counter any goodwill he
creates. This includes the reference to "migrating *from* Linux to the
Enterprise". And I am sure that the panel discussion later will be
ballot-box-stuffed with the same "eminent" personalities to counter
Maddog. It sure looks like he will need some help - either in the panel or
in the audience.
> I agree. Linux and open source need to be better represented - especially
> under the Linux track, where pro Linux talks seem to be outnumbered.
Yep again. To drive home that point, check out the whole schedule that I
just uploaded to http://www.exocore.com/linux/itworldad.jpg