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Re: [LI] Message from RMS.

>>"Arun" == Arun Sharma <adsharma@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

 Arun> On Sat, Dec 04, 1999 at 03:45:36AM -0600, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
 >> The BSDs were around long before Linux started. Whydo you
 >> think they failed to provide the world with useful software? Cause
 >> they do not care about community. The BSD licence is a reflection of
 >> the elitist, iconoclastic creators of *BSDs. 

 Arun> (a) Are you implying that BSDs didn't produce useful software ? It's
 Arun>     certainly useful to me and to anyone who is using the
 Arun>     Internet today.

        No. I am implying that lots of commercial companies merely
 ripped off the BSD fee work (Sun, Digital, Data General), branded it,
 and no benefit accrued to the community from these advances.

        Under the GPL, there is a possibility that would not have been
 the case. It is my considered opinion that had the *BSD's been under
 the GPL, it would have been the *BSD's that were leading the free
 *NIX movement, not the johnny come lately Linux.

 Arun> (b) Sure, certain people in the BSD camp were elitist and didn't think 
 Arun>     that computers can be used by ordinary people. That was
 Arun>     their undoing.  But that has nothing to do with the BSD
 Arun>     license.

        Actually, this is a bit of an understatement. I tried *BSD
 communities before I migrated to the then technically inferior Linux;
 and I have little reason to believe there has been much of a
 change. Just ask Theo ;-)

 Arun> (c) BSD people are less iconoclastic than Linux people are. See my next
 Arun>     posting re: Hurd/technology/research.

        That has not been my personal experience. 

 Fortune's Real-Life Courtroom Quote #19: Q: Doctor, how many
 autopsies have you performed on dead people? A: All my autopsies have
 been performed on dead people.
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@xxxxxxxxxx>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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