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Re: [Re: Blocking pornographic sites]

Kapil ask those boys to send mails from different accounts like hotmail, not
from bharat connect.
it is me kapil ??? Dheeraj Anand

"Kapil Sethi" <kapil.sethi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
There are a no. of restrictions on deleting a user even after deactivation,
e.g.. a user may renew his account a few days after deactivation, in such a
situation we cannot / should not block his / her important mails from
reaching the respective mail boxes. So only the active users can read the
mails but deactivated users can still receive their mails. and there are
hundreds of users which have reactivated their accounts after two months. so
while they cannot check their mails, the mails keep coming and in absence of
a system to enforce quotas, the HDD fills up continuously. Most of these
mails are junk or Spam, that is why i want to block the junk mail sending
sites right off the server and not through user filters.

I hope you all can help me


----- Original Message -----
From: "Mithun Bhattacharya" <mithun.b@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <linux-delhi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2001 4:58 PM
Subject: Re: [linux-delhi] Blocking pornographic sites

> It is not a solution maybe but just a thought how difficult is it to
> clean up the system off all deactivated accounts ???
> Mithun
> > strict quotas for dialup users mails. Many of the deactivated users, as
> > found out had only these junk mails only. That is why i want such a
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