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Re: Celeron Vs Duron
> I am planning to buy a new system. I am told that AMD-Duron/Biostar
> Motherboard beats the Celeron/Intel motherboard combination hands down. Is
> it true? Please advise me on an ideal combination
yes its true to my knowlege. the AMDs have allways been known to perform
inbetween the celeron and the intel PX series..
> I am thinking on these lines:
> LG 15" monitor
no good . LG sucked at its 15". i dont know why... their 14" ones kicked
ass.. but 15"'s left u saying "now what?" i cant say which one to go in
for... but i can steer u away from one "killer" namely... viewsonic..
go in for a SAMTRON. some of their monitors are quite good.
> AGP card(Should i go for it or not...i do like NFS!!:-)
u dont need AGP to run NFS(tho it adds some 'tashar')... becides all the
good AGP's are way too expensive(5-10K). i have the i740... a great
card... worth the money too(3.5K when i bot it)... but i dont think u can
find one anymore... try for the i840(if u want)... its evil..