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Re: banglinux & IT.COM is not needed for India
[continuing this conversation. Will ithe ILUG-C folks please kick me if
this thread is going waaay off topic]
Raghavendra Bhat proclaimed:
> Sudhakar Chandra posts:
> > IMO, educating some moffusil student on the Internet or
> > computers is not the answer.
> U mean to say that we shall ask non-mofussil students who
> can afford an entry fees of Rs 200/- to start using GNU/Linux
> after having had a taste if it at Bang!inux/IT.Com
No. I mean to say that when basic neccesities are still beyond the reach
of these mofussil students, it is stupid to tell them what Linux is and how
RMS is god. These folks don't need politics. They have enough of it in
the myriad political groups that exist. They need food, clothing and
shelter not CPU power.
> In Kerala, it has been authoritatively proved that *poverty*
> can be done away with proper education.
Kerala is a good example on education helping reduce poverty. I agree.
But this is the real basic education we are talking about. Computers are
beyond the reach of almost all Indians. This will remain so for a while.
What needs to happen is a grassroots effort to educate people on simple
things like how to boil water, how diseases are transmittted, how having
children can be planned. Not how GNOME can be customized. Something like
'Arivoli Iyaakam' is what is needed.
> Educating about the availability of a *free* alternative to
> the current OSes is most critical.
Why exactly? Why should someone who can't even have access to a computer
be educated on RMS's or MS's religion?
> UR not in tune of what
> is happening in India. Educating students in Govt. schools
> is the need. We shall tell them about an alternative and
> contribute our effort in propagating the politics of the GNU.
Can what you call GNU/Linux be a substitute for three square meals a day?
> We *all* know the problem of POVERTY. I think that the
> *poverty* as in the minds of Thaths is what is hampering our
> efforts.
Could you please elaborate?
> U make a mountain of a molehill.
Are you saying that poverty in India is a molehill? Look at the shirtless
begger on the street. Look at the thin rickshaw puller. Look at the woman
hauling bricks in a construction site. Are they not poor?
> OK, now U have made
> a mountain of it, can U please tell us how U can find a solution
> to this ??
The solution is to educate people. The computer or the slate and chalk are
merely tools to aid in this education and not an end to themselves.
> I request U not to make the original
> posting irrelevant by UR off-tangent remark. Please refrain
> from commenting on *poverty* if U cannot fully understand the
> larger issues involved.
And I request you to stop jerking your knees this much.
> The original posting is a carefully thought out one which cannot
> be silenced by one-liners like "It is a sin to preach to a
> starving man" (quoting Vivekananda) ;-)
Whatever made you think that I was silencing MKS? I actually like what MKS
has done for Linux. I liked his story of how he rose up from the depths of
poverty. And I have a deep respect for him. Please do not assume my
intentions without proper supporting proof.
"This is a very, very proud day for us! Especially me, your father, me,
beat City Hall! It's just like David and Goliath, only this time, David
won!" -- Homer J. Simpson
Sudhakar C13n http://www.aunet.org/thaths/ Lead Indentured Slave
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