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/dev/sequencer configging


As I see it there are three possibilities.

   (1) You have not enabled /dev/sequencer or inserted the right
   modules for it.  Have you enabled midi (mpu401.o)?  Or did you say
   yes for CONFIG_SOUND_MIDI when and if you recompiled the kernel?

   (2) The driver for the card does not (yet) support /dev/sequencer

   (3) The card does not do midi. (unlikely)

>>>>> "Suraj" == Suraj co in <suraj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

    Suraj> hi all, I have a C-Media PCI audio accelerator which is
    Suraj> supported. Having come with a very poor documentation, this
    Suraj> card has been detected (not by sndconfig, but manually)and

What do you mean manually?  Do you mean you modprobed the modules??
Or did you recompile the kernel?  What is the chipset being used??

You can try to take a look at the output of $ cat /dev/sndstat

    Suraj> $ playmidi /usr/share/sndconfig/sample.midi /dev/sequencer
    Suraj> not configured

Alternatively, use timidity. :) It converts midi's to wave files and
sounds pretty good.  http://www.cgs.fi/~tt/timidity/
Packaged on debian!

    Suraj> How do I configure /dev/sequencer? Fresh meat doesn't seem
    Suraj> to talk of anything like seqconfig or something. this
    Suraj> sequencer thing is I guess something to do with the
    Suraj> synthesizer. That's why festival too doesn't work.

-- from the Sound-HOWTO

        high-level sequencer interface

        low level MIDI, FM, and GUS access


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