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Re: gnu and linux

Ramakrishnan M proclaimed:
> "Dr. P. Sriram" wrote:
> > to me, gnu/linux is just an attempt to get additional exposure for gnu by
> > riding the linux bandwagon. gnu does not need it; gnu has been around

The hacker community has known of GNU for a long time.  I agree.  But how
many references to GNU do you see in the popular press.  RMS's efforts to
get people to call it GNU/Linux is an atttempt to get more coverage of GNU
in the popular press.

> Many people tend to forget that linux in the present form exists only 
> because of GNU. 

Highly debatable.  I can make an equally convincing argument that if GNU
had not existed Linus would have built a kernel and distributed it under
some other license.

> Why not give GNU it's due credit?

This is not a question of giving or not giving GNU its credit.  GNU
deserves credit and lots of it.  But it does not deserve the GNU/Linux

> What Stallman is against is the fact that the aim of GNU project is "Freedom"
> where as Linux Torvalds is telling the whole world about "World Domination"
> which is not the aim of the GNU project.

Anyone who took the "world domination" thing seriously needs to learn
humourous techniques.

> I don't agree with the metric  of counting the number of lines of code against
> each licences. It will be foolish to do so.

Why don't you agree.  Please elaborate.

    "I have two questions for you: How much? and I'll take it."  
                     -- Homer J. Simpson
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